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A virtual conversation with Jim Wallis, March 27!

In collaboration with Rev. David Turner and Church of the Crossroads in Honolulu, we at Books & Spirits are excited to host “A Virtual Conversation” (via Zoom) with Rev. Jim Wallis, a leading voice of Progressive Christianity. We will talk with Rev. Wallis about his books America’s Original Sin and Christ in Crisis and how we have been torn apart by bitter partisan politics, institutional racism and Christian Nationalism. There will be an opportunity for questions & answers.

Please register for the event at this link:

Sat. March 27, 2021, 11am HST / 2pm PST / 5pm EST.

Jim Wallis is an author, activist and preacher. He is the founder and leader of Sojourners, whose mission is to put faith into action for social justice. Wallis has written ten books, including bestsellers like God’s Politics, America’s Original Sin and his most recent book Christ In Crisis.

B&S encourages readers to support local book stores in your area by buying copies of Wallis’ books at DaShop, Bookends and other local vendors.

Stuart Coleman is the co-founder and host of He is the Executive Director of the non-profit WAI (Wastewater Alternatives & Innovations) and the award-winning author of three books, including Eddie Would Go.

Mark Watkins is the Co-Founder and digital guru of Books & Spirits. He is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Bookship, a social reading app.