Posted by Mark on

And a good time was had by all…

The inaugural Books & Spirits was held on August 18th at Revolusun Smart Home. We had a wonderful time with Jaimal Yogis talking story and hearing about his adventures growing up and running away to Hawaii, as well as his current adventures with his “Buddha Masters”, as he sometimes refers to his children, who continue to teach him patience! Jaimal is the author of Saltwater Buddha – a comedic coming-of-age memoir about how surfing and the sea helped him transition back into the world after a year in a Zen monastery – and The Fear Project, which looks at the neuroscience of fear and courage

Mahalo to RevoluSun Smart Home for providing the space. The Zen Curl Fizz, the cocktail creation from the wonderful folks at Mud Hen Water, was big hit, as well as the very tasty tomato bisque soup! Ocean Vodka provided us with spirits that made the cocktail particularly special! Volunteers Carey Usher, Justine Espiritu, Jodi Malinowski, Emily Kawahigashi and Michelle Watkins kept the event humming.

We had a chance to catch a bit of the new Saltwater Buddha film, a very touching documentary based on the book ( Catch it if you can!

Our next event is with David Helvarg on September 8th. Be there! Tickets available now:

Some photos from the event, courtesy Edgar Espero ( and others:

See all the photos on Facebook.

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